Legally safely utilize, carry, transport, and grow your personal plant-based medicines worry free nationwide.
I accept plant-based medicines (including cannabis and mushrooms) as a religious sacrament.
I have read and follow the code of ethics. I understand if I break the code of ethics in anyway it may result in suspended or denied membership. By typing out your name you agree by submitting below.
I understand all monies are NON-REFUNDABLE.
I am responsible and aware of the decisions I make.
Who were you referred by?
Disclaimer WENS, believes it has the right under the Constitution and Religious Freedom Act to 1) possess and transport WENS Plant Sacraments and 2) to participate in and hold ceremonies with or without using Plant Sacrament and 3) to grow the Plant Sacrament for WENS use. However, law enforcement and/or the legal system may not agree with WENS. It is the member's responsibility to know these right sand assert them when handling conflicts with law enforcement. All monies given are non refundable thank you.
May Love Light Grace and Gratitude Prevail.
© 2024 Gemma Ra'Star - All rights reserved